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So Gay So What College Program


The college years are such an important time in a persons life.  For most, it is the first experience living outside of their parents home.  Its a time to really begin to explore yourself and step out of your comfort zone.  Exploring who you are outside of the safety net of your family and childhood community. Learning to love and embrace what makes you unique. 


The So Gay So What campaign is about celebrating what makes us all unique.  Celebrating that we all have unique stories and they are all important.  Bringing the So Gay So What campaign to a college campus gives students, administration and faculty the chance to stand up and tell their story; showing the world they are proud of their unique selves. Everyone that is part of the campaign serves as a role model for those who may not feel that they can be who they really are.  Our hopes in bringing the campaign to colleges is to help inspire all to share their story and be proud to be who they are.

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