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The SO GAY SO WHAT campaign came to the campus of Muhlenberg College on Monday, March 16th to conduct a campaign photoshoot with the students, faculty and alumni as part of the college's QUEER WEEK. The photoshoot was conducted by Darren Melchiorre (Campaign Co-founder and Muhlenberg Class of 2000) and Sarah L Jones (Campaign Program Director) with the support of McCabe Wilus (Muhlenberg Student). Muhlenberg College is the FIRST college to participate in our campaign and we could not be more grateful for the college's participation and their stance to celebrate diversity! The goal of this photoshoot was to encourage students, college staff, professors and the Muhlenberg community to pose for a photo and share their pride with the college community in hopes that it will inspire pride, support and courage in others.


In many ways, the SO GAY SO WHAT campaign’s root were planted at Muhlenberg College. It was an honor to return and bring this nationally recognized campaign to campus. With an overwhelming response, numerous students, alumni, and faculty participated included President Helm and the Phi Sigma Sigma sorority!

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